Wool Carpets

Wool Carpets are versatile and ideal for all around the home, they are soft, warm and bring a luxurious feel to your home. 

Wool Twist carpets come in Heather & Flecked designs giving a traditional look or plain shades that give a sleek modern feel they also come in a variety of pile weights to suit your lifestyles needs.

The Benefits of a Wool capret are: 

  • The extremely durable and resilient  they are very hard wearing and suibtable for high traffic areas, they have the natural ability to bounce back which means it will retian its original apperance and reduce wear and tear.
  • Soft and cushioning underfoot. 
  • The are a Natural Insulaor which is just one of their many benefits. 
  • They also help imporve the air quality but trapping allegens.  
  • Resistant to dirt, Wool Carpets contain natural oils that are resiliant to dirt. 
  • Enviromentally friendly 

Wool Carpets have so many benefits which makes them perfect for all areas of the home particuarlly the Hall, Stairs and Landing. 

We have a wide range of wool carpets with a varity of qualitys, colours and patterns available in our showroom.